A believer is one who has love and respect for all human beings. If you respect Muslims but do not respect non-Muslims, you are leading a life of ignorance and not of Islam.
Islam teaches love for all human beings. If you have love only for your family, not for other human beings, then this is not Islam. If you have love for Muslims but not for people of other faiths, then this is not Islam. This is family-oriented or community-oriented thinking. Such thinking, which is common, has no value. If you respect Muslims, but not respect people of others faiths, then this is not Islam. Islam is to love and respect all human beings. I will narrate an incident from the Prophet's life. When the Prophet went to Madinah in 622 AD, there were some Jewish tribes living there.
Once the Prophet saw a funeral procession passing by a street. A lot of people were moving along with the dead body. Few moments before, the dead body was a living being. Seeing the dead body, the Prophet stood up in respect. The Prophet rose up in respect of the dead body.
This incident has been mentioned in Sahih al-Bukhari. The Companions of the Prophet informed him that it was the funeral of a Jew, not a Muslim. The Prophet did not say: 'Oh, I made a mistake!' The Prophet said instead: "Was he not a human being?" (Sahih al-Bukhari 1312) Just as I have to respect a Muslim, I have to respect other human beings as well. This means as far as respect is concerned, there is no difference between Muslims and non-Muslims. I have to accord equal respect to both. This is indeed a great teaching of Islam. This is an example of the universality of Islam. A believer is one who has love and respect for all human beings. If you respect Muslims but do not respect non-Muslims, you are leading a life of ignorance and not of Islam.